Festival of FOOD I

After days of shopping and preparing the food, with 22 friends and family, from far and near, at our table, we were ready to eat.

Before beginning our meal, Clementine offered the land acknowledgement with gratitude to the land itself, and to honor all of its ancestors: past, present, and emerging.

Every year Richard gives a prayer and toast.

So when my grandfather who came here in 1906 with nothing when he greeted his grandchildren, he would extend pinkies and he would ask, “Are you ready?”

Endless chain! Endless chain! Endless chain! Woo! 

More Food for Thought from Richard

Festival of FOOD II

Judith writes:

Noah and Kris are a marvel of parenthood — they’ve really gone the distance literally and figuratively — up early for a 5:30 AM skating call or the daily practice of reading.

With them as inspiring examples, I am taking my role as Gramma Judy seriously and introducing the kids to the some special Rancho D experiences — feeding chickens, feeding deer, feeding themselves and feeding others. Around here, everybody eats. Hey, this is the Festival of FOOD.

With a scoop of grains or a bunch leaves in hand, they are learning to be still and to be patient until they have gained the trust of a wild creature.

These days it’s easy to fall into despair about how bad things are, but these two bright shining lights give me hope that the world will be fed with their empathy and love.

Aloysius Oscar Lang

Clementine Deluxe Lang

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